More Than Just A Vocal Coach

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Sing for YOURSELF.

2020: [Insert intensely emotional response opinion here]. There is so much going on in the world to elicit a passionate response at all times but now it seems to be hitting a fever pitch. For just a minute, take a microcosmic approach and look within yourself to your own battles right within your mind.

When was the last time you sang for YOU, just because you enjoy it? Try to withhold judgement.

Its hard, isn’t it?

Lately, more than ever, I am crossing paths with singers that have beaten up on themselves so badly that they don’t even want to hear themselves sing. “My voice is too airy!” “I’m totally off pitch!” “I hate the tone of my voice!” “I sound like crap.” Sometimes all it takes is one bad experience while singing or playing to shut someone down for decades.

These things are always heartbreaking for me to hear. The negativity feeds itself into a vicious cycle and eventually you just stop singing. This happens to many talented people! Tragic.

Music is therapeutic to your soul and you need it now more than ever. You need to take care of yourself! Heal yourself. Enjoy yourself. Everyone needs a release and for so many, playing and singing is one of the greatest healers so just for today, stop judging what you don’t like and delve deeply into songs you enjoy. Don’t do it for anyone but yourself. You deserve it!