More Than Just A Vocal Coach

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Singing with a cold

No fun! Right? As cold and flu season approaches, one of the questions we face is: is it okay for me to sing? The answer most often is YES. Actually, I have a 15 minute exercise video in the Subscription Video Library where I walk you through gentle exercises you should do when trying to vocalize through a cold. Free tip: humming gently is a good way to sooth swollen folds.

If it hurst to sing or swallow, in general, I recommend you don’t sing so that you don’t hurt yourself. However, there are some gentle cord adduction exercises that can help a singer to regain their voice much more quickly through congestive symptoms. THE KEY TO SINGING WITH A COLD: is to absolutely start by singing gently without effort and to ease your way in but also to hydrate as much as possible to help clear out your system. As I often say in my classes- Let your voice come to you. Sign up for lessons today if you want to go more in dept.