More Than Just A Vocal Coach

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Singing is self-care, so take care of yourself.

Lately, I keep hearing people talk about the concept of ‘self-care’ and I started thinking about how this applies to music. Sometimes I work with people that take lessons purely for self-care enjoyment and don’t think twice about paying for lessons as a means of therapy and personal fulfillment. Other times, I can see that people have a particular agenda in mind- preparing for an audition or a specific performance and cutting themselves off at that point. Sometimes this is a purely financial-based decision which is always understandable and other times people put music lessons into a box and put it to the side and don’t notice how much it does for their well-being. I think to myself I wish that person would keep doing lessons because I see how happy it makes them. To each their own, I’ll always do my best to get a person from point A to point B in the timeframe I’m given as a vocal coach, but if you’re wondering if lessons are worth it for you to invest your time and money into, ask yourself at the end of a class how happy it makes you and go from there! What is the price tag on your happiness? Think of the following:

1. Emotional Well-being: Singing and expressing oneself through music can be a cathartic and emotionally fulfilling experience. Vocal lessons provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their emotions, release stress, and boost their mood.

2. Self-Expression: Singing allows individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a unique and personal way. Vocal lessons help individuals develop their vocal skills, enabling them to communicate and connect with others through music.

3. Confidence Building: Learning to sing and improving vocal abilities can significantly boost self-confidence. Vocal lessons provide a structured and guided approach to developing vocal techniques, expanding vocal range, and improving overall performance skills. As individuals progress and witness their own growth, their self-esteem and self-assurance increase.

4. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Singing requires focus and concentration, which can help individuals become more present and mindful. Vocal lessons often incorporate breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, promoting a sense of calm and reducing stress.

5. Physical Well-being: Singing engages various muscles in the body, including the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and facial muscles. Regular vocal exercises and techniques can improve posture, breathing capacity, and overall physical well-being.

6. Personal Growth: Vocal lessons provide an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. As individuals work on their vocal skills, they also develop discipline, perseverance, and a growth mindset. This journey of self-improvement can be empowering and fulfilling.

Know someone that would benefit from vocal lessons? Buy gift certificates here: