Members-only lessons
Welcome to Missy’s ever-growing library of exclusive vocal technique videos! Singers that practice with this library of workouts make the fastest improvements. Use this library of vocal workouts on your own time to speed up your progress from week to week!
Get exclusive access to a library of Missy’s vocal technique videos, with new lessons posted every month!
Practice along with me! Here’s a sample.

Vocal Technique Video Library
Get exclusive access to a library of Missy’s vocal technique videos, with new lessons posted every month!
Ready to start working on your voice with Missy at your own pace? Scroll down to see what technique and workouts members have access to:
Building the Bridge of your voice
Smoothing over the break
Breath Support
Easing tension around the larynx
Strengthening your voice
Getting more fullness in your voice
Tips on which exercises to do for warm-up
Breathing exercises
Exercises for gentle transitions for aggressive voices
Vocal transitions
Pitch stabilization and intonation
Vocal damage
How to get the false folds to rub for distortion
Tongue and Jaw tension exercises
Vocal Technique
Video Library
Vocalists who want to supplement lessons
Vocalists who want to learn more about Missy’s vocal techniques
Vocalists who want to learn at their own pace
Vocalists on a budget who can’t do weekly private lessons but still want to improve
You get a convenient, on-demand library of voice lessons that cover various techniques, exercises, and warm-ups
You can review exercises anytime, no need to practice alone!
See exclusive content from Missy you won’t get anywhere else
Subscribers can vote on what monthly content they want to see!