6 Surprising Benefits of Vocal Lessons

Singing lessons reduce stress

Vocal lessons are known to be great for making your singing voice sound better and expanding your range. For some, this may be all you are looking for however there are several more benefits that you may not have thought about! Are you thinking about taking singing lessons? Here’s a list of 6 surprising benefits that you might not have thought about:

  1. SINGING HELPS YOU TO EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY. Whether you work a 9-5 job and love to sing as a hobby, or an adolescent or teenager, OR already a professional musician, everyone needs their own time to express themselves creatively! Singing lessons will give you the freedom to express yourself through emotions and lyrics. This can be a time where you choose the artistic style and delivery and make it all your own. Especially when you’re locked in routines, lesson time is an opportunity to relax and express yourself through song.

  2. SINGING LESSONS WILL IMPROVE YOUR BREATHING AND BLOOD OXYGEN LEVELS. Some are already aware that breath work is generally included in lesson time but this aspect alone is more helpful than most singers realize! Most vocal lessons will include breathing exercises as a means of accessing diaphragmatic support for the voice through deep breathing work. This opens up your airways and the vocal tract but also will help to oxygenate your blood. If you’ve ever had a run in with Covid-19 then you may be aware of the importance of keeping oxygen levels up in your blood.

  3. SINGING INCREASES MENTAL ACUITY. Those breathing exercises I just mentioned that help to oxygenate your blood? More oxygenated blood reaches the brain and can help improve mental alertness. This is why the Alzheimer’s Society has a ‘Singing for the Brain’ program.

  4. SINGING LESSONS WILL HELP YOU GAIN CONFIDENCE. One of the greatest aspects of taking singing lessons is that by building this skill you will gain confidence in not just your voice but yourself over all! A good vocal coach will not just point out the things that need improving but the things that you are doing RIGHT. As a teacher who has given thousands of lessons, I am here to confirm from many years of providing feedback to my students that just by hearing a little bit about what they’ve done right it can be a catalyst to spark an improvement in confidence that trickles into every other aspect of their voices and themselves! Its one of my favorite parts of the job.

  5. SINGING LESSONS WILL HELP YOU TO IMPROVE YOUR POSTURE. In order to improve your breath support, during singing lessons we draw attention to your posture. By rolling your shoulders back you will open up the ribcage and by opening up the ribcage you will be able to breathe more deeply. If you habitually slump over in your posture, having a voice teacher reminding you every week to fix your posture will eventually trickle into your everyday mindset on how to hold yourself.

  6. SINGING LESSONS REDUCES STRESS. See steps 1-5 and its not hard to deduce why vocal lessons will help reduce your stress levels! Spending time to release your creativity, working your breath, gain confidence in yourself and your posture- all of these things reduce stress but especially the breath work. This is why I personally like to start many of my lessons with breathing exercises- it sets the tone for the class to reduce anxiety. When you reduce your stress levels, it leads to better performances and a general positive cycle that improves overall health.

Are you ready to start singing lessons? Sign up for online singing lessons with me today! Go to the BOOK A LESSON tab and book your classes now!


Student Feature: Iliad Stone


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