5 Tips for Singers with Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can be frustrating for anyone but as a singer, it’s especially difficult to deal with because it can oftentimes really affect your voice causing irritation and inflammation. This leads to symptoms like coughing and throat clearing, causing more irritation. In general, I recommend Alkaline diets and sleeping with your head raised but below are some over all tips for the singer that deals with acid reflux. Also, please do the exercises in the video library for singing with a cold (similar symptoms) if you are dealing with acid reflux right now (link at the bottom of the article):

1. Avoid Trigger Foods: This one hurts because I personally like all the foods on this list! Some foods can trigger acid reflux, such as spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, chocolate, caffeine, and fatty or fried foods. It may be helpful to keep a food diary to identify and avoid your trigger foods.

2. Eat Smaller Meals: Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can help prevent acid reflux. This can help reduce the pressure on the stomach and lower the risk of reflux.

3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help dilute stomach acid and promote digestion. It's important to stay hydrated, especially before and after singing.

4. Elevate Your Head: Sleeping with your head elevated can help prevent acid reflux during the night. This can be achieved by using a wedge pillow or raising the head of your bed.

5. Alkaline Foods: Some singers find relief from acid reflux by incorporating alkaline foods into their diet. Alkaline foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, and legumes may help balance the body's pH levels and reduce acid reflux symptoms. More details on going alkaline with your food HERE

If you have persistent acid reflux symptoms, it's essential to seek medical attention to address the underlying cause and prevent vocal health issues. For personalized feedback on your voice, sign up for a vocal lesson today or go straight to becoming a member of the video library and start workouts now!


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