New website, same vocal coach!

New website is live! Woohoo! Over the course of the last year or so I have expanded my online lessons program so much that it was time to update this website to match the needs of my client base. I absolutely love that I get to work with people in multiple time zones from various walks of life, in various levels of skill and musical interests as well as local yokels in the greater Nashville, Tennessee area. Now, you can pay for lessons much more easily and plug yourself into my calendar. You can receive text reminders for your classes. It’s magic, really. There will be more free videos posted, there is a widget linking all my latest reaction videos on YouTube, etc! Best of all, there is now a subscription service available for just $20/month to get exclusive access to specialized monthly content. Best of all, if you choose to subscribe, you can drive the content and make requests on what videos I post there. Good times will be had by all. If you are new to my site, please check it out and if you’re looking for lessons for voice, piano, guitar, and bass, click on the Book a Lesson button at the top and get yourself set up! Online lessons are available daily, in person lessons available upon request in the greater Nashville area. Looking for vocal lessons? Sign up today! Submit any questions via HERE


Singing with a cold


Sing for YOURSELF.