Lets Keep Talking About Demi Lovato

I'm pretty sure Demi has poured her heart and soul into her craft since her most recent public meltdown because this performance was astounding! The Super Bowl national anthem is about as high as you can go up the ladder for respect as a vocalist. Singers are judged harshly for their skills on a song that is quite frankly ridiculously hard to sing.  If you can nail the national anthem, you're doing something right, you'll go viral. If you fail, you will also go viral and may even feel compelled to issue a public apology. Just ask Fergie what thats like. 

Nonetheless, back to Demi.  This performance.  Is exquisite.

For those that don't know much about Demi, she has a long history  as a performer dating back to Barney and Friends (yes, before the Disney programs). I noticed her voice several years ago when some young vocal students wanted to learn some of her disney songs. Generally speaking, when young kids present music to me, a lot of the time it is auto-tuned and produced to the hilt and often not very challenging to work on so I normally end up pointing them in another direction.  It was clear from the get-go to me that Demi was different.

The first thing I noticed as a singer was the key in which Demi chose to sing.  Ab. May mean nothing to you but if you like belting the anthem as a female thats no easy task in that key,  She makes it look easy! She is free-flowing through her registers, unhindered. If you close your eyes, you can hear the ghost of Whitney Houston echoing at times. Speaking of impeccable national anthems, Whitney's Super Bowl anthem performance is still regarded to be "the best ever" but I don't know how anyone could truly judge between the best of the best.

Irony. Whitney's demons got the best of her. You won't have to search for long if you google Demi's overdose and history of addiction and depression. Demi has been clinically diagnosed with bi-polar disorder as well. For now, she is excelling under the brightest lights- the Super Bowl, the Grammys- and I hope for her sake that she continues to overcome her dark history. Her talent is truly incredible, she is one of the best singers out there performing today and in my opinion, performing at a very high level right now. Heed! Singers: the key is to find the right key (pun intended) and to relax and let your voice flow freely through your registers. If you want help with that, I’m your gal. Sign up for Skype lessons today!


What is the best tone for my voice?